Food Product
Mass Computation

Energy Drink
Mass Computation


Bernabe, Mary Grace

"This activity helped me realize the component of the things I eat or use in my daily life. It made me watch my intakes carefully because some components can be harmful to me and some just need moderate intakes. To be honest, I don’t mind looking at it before. As long as I am enjoying what I eat or use, I don’t care about my intake whether it can be harmful for me or not. The components at the back help individuals to watch what they eat or use to maintain a proper body. Some are also not that beneficial or harmful to intake yet we still eat the product. It also helps me to cooperate with my groupmate so we can finish fast. Communication is the key to do things properly. Even though some of us are not close or we’re just acquaintances, we managed to finish it all before the due time."

Castro, Astrid

"This activity is an effective way to be able to be more familiar with the different substances there are as well as what they are used for, what is their chemical formula, and what are its properties. It also helps me see the purpose and appreciate the nutritional facts and ingredients there are in the product that I use. With this, I get to be much aware of the things that I use and the benefits that I’ll be getting from it. It will also help me in supervising the foods that I eat and the products that I use according to its recommended servings or use."

Fernando, Victor Luis

"This activity made me knowledgeable about the ingredients being used in such products. My realizations upon performing this activity is that the purpose of putting the ingredients and nutrition facts label is to provide advice on the maintenance of healthy eating habits and help to achieve a balanced level of energy. In addition, it also encourages customers like me to make informed decisions about the food we eat and use it safely. This decreases the waste of food as well. In this case, our health will be at risk if we won’t be extra careful of what we eat. As for me, this activity is indeed useful because it doesn’t only raise awareness but it also serves as a guide to everyone."

Sanchez, Katrina

"By doing this activity, I was able to become more aware of what goes into the food I take almost every day as well as what the household materials at home are made out of. Through this, I should be able to develop the habit of checking the nutrition label first to know if it would be within the limit of the macros I need to intake throughout the day, as well as to know if the food item contains any harmful chemicals so I would be able to avoid it. Taking care of our body is a necessary thing to do, and the first step to doing so is to make sure that the food we intake would benefit our body. This will not only allow me to actively get through my day but I know the effects of doing so would be of great help to me in the long run."